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My Approach

Using an integrative approach means I believe that no single therapeutic model is more effective than all others. I prefer to relate to individuals as they present in the moment, rather than requiring either of us to conform to a single model.

I hold the basic assumption that the body and mind are not separate entities; when we work on one part we positively affect the other. Thinking, Feeling and Being are important aspects of our human experience and integrative therapy aims to give respect and value to each.

I believe that working Integratively opens the door to a two-way dialogue that facilitates the development of a mutually created relationship. Through this relationship, based on mutual trust and respect, integrative psychotherapy aims to help you:

  • Identify underlying assumptions, patterns and themes of your view of the world and yourself in it to help you recognise your strengths and talents
  • Make decisions differently about the way you may respond to life challenges and changes
  • Improve communication with those close to you
  • Create new meaning and purpose in the way you experience your life

For more detailed information about the philosophy underpinning integrative psychotherapy see the EAIP Statement of Philosophy at: